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開発者のJohn Larson氏によってキーマウで『デスボを移動しながら漁れる』のは修正される事のない不具合だという事が判明しました。

John Larson氏のツイートを要約するとこんな感じです。

John Larson氏のツイート要約






John Larson氏のツイート


Allow controller players to move while looting:

This may come as a surprise to some, but moving while looting is a bug. Is it a bug we’ll ever fix? No. If I were to rewind to early Apex development, I suspect I’d agree with the design decision of stationary looting. Soon after Apex released though, I saw an efficient looting meta-game emerge pretty quickly (this was before joining Respawn, and as a player I thought, “Huh, I bet they never thought this whole shield swapping mechanic would end up being such an integral part of combat!”).

Fast forward a bit, and stuff like menu cursor speed options and gold armor/finisher reworks signaled acceptance of this emergent looting gameplay. In an effort to improve parity between input types, it seems reasonable to think moving while looting on controller should be an option. I’ll defer to fellow dev @rappstar’s replies to a control scheme Snip3down proposed (looting cursor with right stick, moving with left):

【Apex】現在エイムアシストを調整中|Apex Legendsまとめ速報 – えぺタイムズ
現在エイムアシストを調整中 開発者のJohn Larson氏によって具体的な内容(方針)や時期は言及できないとしているも

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オリジナルサイトで読む : Apex Legendsまとめ速報 – えぺタイムズ
